Student or Young Adult
- When a student or young adult is charged with a crime it is important to have an attorney review the situation to determine the best outcome possible. Although one is tempted to believe that a charge of minor in possession or other simple crime is not a “big deal” or serious, in fact they often can have consequences years from the time of disposition --- perhaps the rest of the child’s life. Attorney Erickson will look at several areas prior to determining what is in the best interest of the student or young adult.
- The most important areas to be considered are the consequences of a delinquency finding or guilty finding. Sometimes it is possible to try a case and to have the young adult or juvenile found not guilty or to obtain a dismissal. Often times it is possible to avoid a conviction and to obtain a alternate disposition if helpful factors are explained to the prosecutor and judge. If the conviction is not avoidable, it is best to insure a proper treatment program is in place and other rehabilitative programs are considered prior to resolving the case.
- It is critical that a student or young adults have an attorney with the special experience necessary to resolve the case in the best possible fashion for this special class of offenders. Attorney Erickson as a father, uncle, and Godfather has the life experience to help your child. Call him now to speak about your child’s case.